Re: William Lane Craig

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Posted by Lynn on January 10, 1997 at 12:55:46:

In Reply to: William Lane Craig posted by Jason on January 09, 1997 at 18:28:43:

: If any readers here are from the Edmonton area (or perhaps within
: Alberta), in the coming weeks, evangelical Christian philosopher
: William Lane Craig will be coming to the University of Alberta
: campus. I don't know the exact date or time he'll come yet, but
: plans are being made to have a debate or speech. Among believers
: and skeptics alike, he is probably know as one of the brightest
: Christian apologists around.

: Although I disagree with his religious views, given his reputation
: I will definitely take this chance to meet him. If anyone can
: think of any questions I could ask him, just let me know. And to
: those that are able to attend, maybe I could meet you in the flesh
: too.

Dear Jason,

Boy, have I got questions! Ask him about hell. I lean toward the belief that the wages of sin is death, and that all the passages that are thought to pertain to an everlasting jail of torture are merely poetic in nature, and probably point to the time when man will destroy himself through lust for power and spoil, probably through a war in which nuclear arms will finally be unleashed full force. If he says there is a hell, you could ask him about what happens to people who have never heard about Jesus. Ask him the meaning of the millenium. Also, ask him why Jesus' predictions about endtime events seem to indicate they would take place within the lifetimes of his disciples. The Presbyterians, maybe others too, believe those events did take place during those days, but my Bible says that Jesus would return IMMEDIATELY after those times. Was the persecution and war of those days merely a precursor of the world wide devestation to come?
I wish I could be there. I'd love to meet you, Jason. You're one of the most open and fairminded people I've ever talked with.

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